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  • Catie Maye

For once I agree with the bigot….

In our modern, free and compassionate world I came across this article online from Newsweek Magazine and to say I was shocked at some of the suggestions and inferences about the transgender community, is an under statement. the article was entitled ‘Its Time to End This Gender Madness. We LGB’s Need to Divorce the TQI+s | Opinion’. The link is below;

The author an Oli London suggests the ‘transgender’ community, those not lesbian, gay or bisexual are;

'pushing gender ideology on children and sexualizing Pride events'

‘push(ing) to introduce gender ideology to children and vulnerable teenagers'

‘Pride has been taken over by radical gender extremism that is causing irreversible harm to millions of young children'

They go on further to state;

'As a detransitioner, I am especially horrified by the recent shift toward transgender ideology, which seems to be causing real harm to teens who may be struggling to come to terms with their sexuality'.

How seriously should we take any social comment from a wannabe celebrity who has had multiple surgeries to resemble a K-pop star? Well, they have over two million followers, according their website, so they can influence through this negative rhetoric.

London appears to be attributing worth to being lesbian, gay or bisexual whilst suggesting any other form of gender dysphoria is both irrelevant and potentially harmful, especially to the young…based on what evidence.

London, presumably for maximum publicity, is sensatualising the current anti transgender mood suggesting, as a return to the Seventies, those who see themselves as gender different are abnormal, perverted, disturbed and should be demonised.

LGB is a sexual preference. Gender dysphoria is often not a choice.

The transgender community covers a wide spectrum of groups, most decent individuals who deserve the same respect as other communities. Within, there will be elements that are ‘undesirable’, extreme and who have malicious intent. this equally applies to the lesbian, gay and bisexual community.

As far as I concerned if the LGB community want to go their own way socially, politically and practically, fine by me. We, in the trans community have not been allowed to grow often living in a shadow cast by the LGB agenda.

Bring on the TQI+ community!

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