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Who is Catie Maye?

I always thought I was a cross dresser but I am coming around to thinking of myself as a demigirl.

A demigirl is defined as 'a person who feels their gender identity partially identifies with a feminine identity, but is not wholly binary, regardless of their assigned gender'.

I was born in Brixton in 1960, into a working class family. I was a pretty uninspired child, spending my time playing in the streets, a true street urchin.

At the age of 9 years old I realised part of my spirit was female.

Originally, named Sarah Valentine, yes, cliche I know I manufactured opportunities to dress in secret whenever possible. I lied and connived, the guilt driving me to depression.

In 2008 I met a new partner and not wanting to perpetuate the lie into a new relationship I planned a way to tell her. She however, discovered photographs of me dressed and the secret was finally out....Catie Maye was forced into the light.

In 2015, I wrote Men Can Wear Dresses Too, an autobiographical account my crossdressing life and compared it with the results and commentary of the most prominent crossdressing surveys carried out over the last century.

The cathartic result finally freed me from my own guilt ridden chains. 

For the first time I realised I was actually part of a global community, I was normal, I had nothing to be ashamed of.

Shortly after, my partner and I appeared on a Sky TV documentary on crossdressing, seen by family and friends and that was the point when I knew I could be the person I was always meant to be. 

Find your freedom.

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